


Ultra Fast, Super Accurate Race Photo Tagging with Pic2Go’s Patented 2D Barcodes

Pic2Go's patented 2D barcodes technology continues to lead the market as an ultra fast, super accurate race photos auto-tagging technology.

New: 3 Options to Export Pic2Go Photo Tagging Data!

While we provide a turn-key Sponsored Race Photography solution (including a patent pending automated race-photo-tagging and instant photos-social-sharing technology), it is very important for us at Pic2Go to provide clients with the flexibility to use our pla

Why Offering Free Race Photos is Your Next Best Move

In the 21st Century, Marathons, Triathlons and OCR events are not just about the competition, a race is an experience. Endurance events now have a new goal: providing a pleasurable experience for participants. Increasing attendance at such events, is due impar