
5 Tips to Attract Participants to Your 2023 Event

Attracting participants to your 2023 event can still be challenging, with some people still hesitant to gather in large groups or sign up to organized endurance events. 2022 mid-year study showed an average 26% less bookings compared to pre-covid era, and we all hope to see a brighter 2023!

As a race director you need to be more creative and strategic in your approach. Here are 5 important tips to attract more participants to your 2023 events:

1. Partner with Local Businesses: Partnering with local businesses and adding them as your event sponsors can help attract more participants to your event. Offer discounts and perks to participants who shop or dine at certain businesses, and ask them to promote the event in return.

2. Create a Sense of Community: Creating a sense of community and camaraderie can be a powerful way to attract participants. Offer group training sessions or meet-ups leading up to the event to bring people together and build excitement. Offering benefits for Facebook group participants can also increase visibility and participation for your event

* Pic2Go now invites all race organizers to promote their events for free in our global Running and Race Training Facebook group (46K participants). Contact us for more details.

3. Have a Fun and Memorable Experience: Create a fun and memorable experience with a post-race celebration and awards ceremony. Offer participants a great way to celebrate and share their experience online (e.g. – with Pic2Go’s rich finisher galleries). This will make participants more likely to sign up for your event again in the future.

4. Make the Event Stand Out: Make your event stand out from others by offering unique features, such as a scenic course, special awards, free race photos, personalized finisher videos, or a particularly challenging course. This will give potential participants a reason to choose your event over others.

5. Use Data to Improve the Event: Use data from the previous year to improve the event and make it more appealing to future participants. Analyze what worked and what didn’t and use that information to make your event even better.

Coming out of the covid era presents new challenges for race directors, but by following these tips, you can attract more participants to your event and make it a success. Keep in mind that local partnerships, community building, clear communication, memorable experience and data analysis should be at the forefront of your strategy.

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